Courcelles Etoile - Hotel et Services

The services

provided by the hotel

Because we are committed to providing you with exceptional service, Hotel Courcelles Étoile offers several services to enhance your stay. Let our concierge help you plan your stay. Or take advantage of a work space in the quiet of our lounge. Our team is on hand to take care of your belongings, whether with the luggage storage service or the laundry service.

Every morning, enjoy a buffet breakfast, made with fresh produce, that can be enjoyed in the dining room or served in your room. Enjoy additional attention and services, such as a 1/2 bottle of Champagne, a bouquet of flowers, macaroons or rose petals in your room.

Hôtel Courcelles Etoile

Our breakfast

Start the day with a varied and extensive continental breakfast (€15 per person), served in your room or as a buffet in our dining room.

Pick from our basket of warm pastries. Choose seasonal fruit or opt for some savoury specialities to start your Parisian day.

Accompany your cereal or bread with coffee or freshly squeezed fruit juice. All of our produce is fresh. You'll be full of energy to start a beautiful Parisian day.

Hôtel Courcelles Etoile

Concierge Service

At all times, you will be looked after by our staff, who are located at reception. They will help you get your bearings at the Hôtel Courcelles Étoile. You can call from your room to access the services offered by our establishment. At any time, we can help you organise your stay, whether it is finding your way around or exploring Paris. We are also happy to keep your personal belongings safe if you wish to entrust us with them.

Hôtel Courcelles Etoile

Our Lounge

We are proud to offer our guests a lounge/bar area, where you can enjoy a wide selection of drinks, including champagnes, wines and soft drinks. Whether you're relaxing after a long day of work or meeting up with friends, our lounge/bar area is the perfect place to spend some quality time. For more information on beverage choices, please contact the reception desk.

Hôtel Courcelles Etoile


Enjoy the calm of the Hotel Courcelles Étoile when you access our work lounge, which is provided at an additional cost. Count on the discretion of our staff to give you space when you need to concentrate or during a business meeting. The restrained atmosphere and the comfortable chairs have been carefully chosen to contribute to your ease, day or night.

Our workspace is a particularly quiet place, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, to allow you to complete all your projects.

Hôtel Courcelles Etoile

Laundry Service

The laundry service is among the services offered by our establishment. Whether you need to wash your trousers or simply iron a shirt before a meeting, Hotel Courcelles Étoile will take care of your clothes.

If you need anything, just let our staff know, and they will take care of your laundry. Even your most delicate belongings will be treated with the utmost care, thanks to dry cleaning.